原來Rebecca Wang是汪傳浦之女!
看到了吧,因小偷光顧,Rebecca Wang見光,這可是英國的報導:
A friend of Prince Charles has revealed how raiders ransacked her Mayfair flat, stealing more than £600,000 of family jewels.
Rebecca Wang said that she had been forced to move out of her rented apartment and live in a £863-a-night room at the Dorchester because she was so traumatised by the burglary.
Miss Wang, a regular on London's party scene, is now suing her landlords for more than £700,000 claiming they failed to repair or replace a faulty burglar alarm at the flat.
Details of the raid are contained in court documents against the landlords Berkeley Square Holdings, ultimately owned by the Abu Dhabi royal family.
The unusual legal action could have consequences for landlords throughout Britain.
住人家阿布達比皇室所擁有的豪宅,光珠寶就損失60萬英鎊,計約台幣4000萬,只好住863英鎊一晚的旅社,約為台幣5萬。不爽的,就按進去Evening Standard留言吧!
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